
Watts Up With That?

Why it seems that severe weather is “getting worse” when the data shows otherwise – a historical perspective

Al Gored says:

“Is it possible that floods are not increasing or even in decline while most people have come to believe the opposite?”

Of course it is. It is called ‘manufactured consent.’ It is a product of about two decades of non-stop propaganda. Has created AGW-colored glasses for some people so they automatically see things from that false perspective.

And it is facilitated by the presence of cell phone etc. cameras everywhere so that now every minor flood in Timbuktu can be selectively photographed to make it look as bad as possible then broadcast worldwide along with the usual doomsday commentary.

For the same reason people have a false impression of crime rates. They are generally going down but the police state needs more money so, between selective news and TV cop shows, they keep the lemmings fearful and in ‘need’ of more police.

Oh yes. The crime rate on Wall Street has gone up, if that is possible. But since they own the police state they won’t be getting arrested, or even scolded. They promoted Geithner.

Kommentar: Det finns också en bra historisk tillbakablick som man kan referera till.

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