
Rapport från TEEB

TEEB (2010) The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity: Mainstreaming the Economics of Nature: A synthesis of the approach, conclusions and recommendations of TEEB.

Se t.ex. sid 28:
Conclusions: The invisibility of many of nature’s
services to the economy results in widespread
neglect of →natural capital, leading to decisions
that degrade →ecosystem services and →biodiversity.
The destruction of nature has now
reached levels where serious social and economic
costs are being felt and will be felt at an accelerating
pace if we continue with ‘business as usual’
[I1-2, N1, B1-2].
• Recommendations: Decision makers at all levels
should take steps to assess and communicate
the role of biodiversity and ecosystem services in
economic activity, and for →human well-being.
Such assessments should include analysis of how
the costs and benefits of ecosystem services are
spread across different sections of society, across
localities, and over time. Public disclosure of and
accountability for impacts on nature should be
essential outcomes of biodiversity assessment

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