
‘Energy [R]evolution: A Sustainable World Energy Outlook’

The report: ‘Energy [R]evolution: A Sustainable World Energy Outlook’, provides a detailed practical blueprint for cutting carbon emissions while achieving economic growth by replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy and energy efficiency. This phase-out of fossil fuels offers substantial benefits such as energy security, independence from world market fuel prices as well as the creation of millions of new green jobs.
Global CO2 emissions under the Energy [R]evolution scenario would peak in 2015 and drop afterwards. Compared with 1990 CO2 emissions will be more than 80% lower by 2050 if the energy supply is based almost entirely on renewable energies. By 2050 around 95% of electricity could be produced by renewable energy.
Greenpeace International
Ottho Heldringstraat 5
1066 AZ Amsterdam
The Netherlands
EREC European Renewable Energy Council
Renewable Energy House
63-65, rue d'Arlon
B-1040 Brussels

Kommentar: Detta är en internationell hemsida som beskriver hur världens energibehov kan göras förnyelsebart.

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