
Top Ten Dreadful Effects of Climate Change.Dissident Voice 20130406


Top Ten Dreadful Effects of Climate Change

Minus One Not Dreadful Effect
Our planet is already showing the stress of radical climate change, affecting the Earth right before our eyes. The climate is different than when we were kids, and it is changing more rapidly than ever before. Accordingly, the underlying thesis of this article is that radical climate change is/will be fait accompli with consequences so far reaching that everything we are accustomed to today will change tomorrow. The only question going forward is how the drama of this transformation impacts the planet and human lifestyle as well as its influence on the institution of capitalism.
To that end, it is doubtful today’s younger generations will recognize tomorrow’s world. Several trends that manifest the consequences of radical climate change already exist. Hence, extrapolating climate change’s impact into the future is not a guessing game. Rather, it is the intention herein to follow those discernable trends to judge what the world of tomorrow will look like.
Radical climate change is severe and unpredictable weather, intense floods, parched-land droughts, ultra-fierce tornadoes, super hurricanes, loss of the world’s glacial water towers, dying marine life, and rising seas, which over time will cascade into a fractured civilization with hordes of tribal groups roaming the planet in search of sustenance, similar to life under the emergence of Cro-Magnon 40-50,000 years ago.

The solution is worldwide conversion from fossil fuels to renewables.
This massive conversion program will lead to the most powerful economic growth ever achieved, with full employment!
And, it would rescue the planet from impending violent upheaval.

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