Satsa på metanol från svensk skog för att minska oljeberoendet i framtiden. Det är slutsatsen i en ny rapport från Kungliga vetenskapsakademin, KVA.
Under 2012 ökade andelen förnybar energi i transportbranschen med tre procent och uppgår nu till 11,8 procent visar ny statistik från Energimyndigheten.
Ökningen beror främst på ökad användning av diesel som låginblandas med biodiesel. Däremot minskade användningen av etanol under förra året.
Biochar the third Green Revolution
“The Green Revolution, often associated with the name Norman Borlaug, was instrumental in greatly increasing the agricultural output of the lucky minority of farmers throughout the world who had enough money to buy seeds, fertiliser, and access to water for irrigation. Hence the importance of the second wave ‘evergreen revolution’ pioneered in India by M. S. Swaminathan and directed towards the needs of the masses of small farmers bypassed by the first wave of the Green Revolution.
“With biochar we find ourselves now on the threshold of a third wave, even more universal in its applications than the second one, insofar as it will also allow the families of millions of urban and peri-urban dwellers to improve their daily food consumption by cultivating highly productive vegetable gardens on tiny plots of land.” (See History of biochar).
“With biochar we find ourselves now on the threshold of a third wave, even more universal in its applications than the second one, insofar as it will also allow the families of millions of urban and peri-urban dwellers to improve their daily food consumption by cultivating highly productive vegetable gardens on tiny plots of land.” (See History of biochar).
Professor Ignacy SachsChairman of the Advisory Board of Pro-Natura International
Honorary Professor of the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences, Paris
Honorary Professor of the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences, Paris
“One of the most exciting new strategies for restoring carbon to depleted soils, and sequestering significant amounts of CO2 for 1,000 years and more, is the use of biochar”.
Al Gore45th Vice President of the United States of America -2007 Nobel Peace Prize Co-recipient.
the Climate Denier list a list of scientists, real or imagined, pundits and large mouths
In summary, Joseph Postma published an article criticizing a very simple model that nonetheless produces useful results. He made several very simple errors along the way, none of which are very technical in nature. More sophisticated models are obviously designed to handle the uneven distribution of solar heating (which is why we have weather!); nonetheless, the educational tools are useful for their purpose, and in no way does Postma undermine the existence or necessity of the greenhouse effect. Without a greenhouse effect, multiple studies have shown that the Earth collapses into a frozen iceball (Pierrehumbert et al., 2007; Voigt and Marotzke 2009, Lacis et al 2010) and indeed, after an ice-albedo feedback, plummets below the modern effective temperature of 255 K. This work makes extraordinary claims and yet no effort was made to put it in a real climate science journal, since it was never intended to educate climate scientists or improve the field; it is a sham, intended only to confuse casual readers and provide a citation on blogs.
The author should be ashamed.
In summary, Joseph Postma published an article criticizing a very simple model that nonetheless produces useful results. He made several very simple errors along the way, none of which are very technical in nature. More sophisticated models are obviously designed to handle the uneven distribution of solar heating (which is why we have weather!); nonetheless, the educational tools are useful for their purpose, and in no way does Postma undermine the existence or necessity of the greenhouse effect. Without a greenhouse effect, multiple studies have shown that the Earth collapses into a frozen iceball (Pierrehumbert et al., 2007; Voigt and Marotzke 2009, Lacis et al 2010) and indeed, after an ice-albedo feedback, plummets below the modern effective temperature of 255 K. This work makes extraordinary claims and yet no effort was made to put it in a real climate science journal, since it was never intended to educate climate scientists or improve the field; it is a sham, intended only to confuse casual readers and provide a citation on blogs.
The author should be ashamed.
U.S. Shows Rapid Rise of Temps Since First Earth Day. Climate Central. 20130422
In commemoration of Earth Day, 2013, Climate Central has created an interactive graphic that shows a state-by-state analysis of temperature trends since the first Earth Day took place in 1970. That occasion marked a significant change in America’s environmental consciousness, and led to the creation of, among other things, the Environmental Protection Agency and passage of the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts.
In commemoration of Earth Day, 2013, Climate Central has created an interactive graphic that shows a state-by-state analysis of temperature trends since the first Earth Day took place in 1970. That occasion marked a significant change in America’s environmental consciousness, and led to the creation of, among other things, the Environmental Protection Agency and passage of the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts.
Svenskar vinner på brittisk kraft. Ny Teknik 20130422
i England och Skottland. Där försvann över 5 000 megawatt. Ännu mer kolkraft är på väg ut och tre kärnkraftsreaktorer har stängts 2011–2012.
Marginalen mot effektbrist krymper nära noll år 2016, hävdar nätmyndigheterna. De räknar med att mycket mer gaskraft ska byggas, men entusiasmen bland investerarna är låg.
Däremot börjar vindkraften ta fart. Den gav 2012 nästan 21 TWh, varav 7,5 TWh havsbaserad, mer än i hela resten av världen. Världens största havsvindkraftverk med 630 MW, London Array, har precis tagits i drift.
Solceller, som ger mycket el
i Tyskland, kommer i England, just nu 1,5 gigawatt installerat.
Kommentar: Goda nyheter tycker jag./Tord
Ställer om till miljövänlig el
Sedan december i fjol har tre jättekolkraftverk stängtsi England och Skottland. Där försvann över 5 000 megawatt. Ännu mer kolkraft är på väg ut och tre kärnkraftsreaktorer har stängts 2011–2012.
Marginalen mot effektbrist krymper nära noll år 2016, hävdar nätmyndigheterna. De räknar med att mycket mer gaskraft ska byggas, men entusiasmen bland investerarna är låg.
Däremot börjar vindkraften ta fart. Den gav 2012 nästan 21 TWh, varav 7,5 TWh havsbaserad, mer än i hela resten av världen. Världens största havsvindkraftverk med 630 MW, London Array, har precis tagits i drift.
Solceller, som ger mycket el
i Tyskland, kommer i England, just nu 1,5 gigawatt installerat.
Kommentar: Goda nyheter tycker jag./Tord
Burn our planet or face financial meltdown. Not much of a choice. The Guardian 20130421
The world is going to fry – unless there is change soon. There is weakening political will to make national and international targets for carbon reduction stick, no strong business and financial coalition prepared to lead and a weakening groundswell of public opinion prepared to foot the bill.
Instead, the international consensus of 25 years ago – that the world must act to challenge climate change – is dissolving. Individual countries are trying to steal a march on each other in a race to the bottom, dropping whatever scant penalties there have been for burning fossil fuels.
Western people will sooner or later agitate for change, as will China's millions as pollution makes its cities unbearable. Nobody wants a return to the command and control economies that failed. What is needed is a new vision of how to do capitalism in which enlightened self-interest is hard-wired into its operation, saving us from decades of austerity and environmental disaster. There are instruments at hand – the Unburnable Carbon report sets some of them out – and they mesh with larger arguments for stakeholder capitalism. The political task is to bind them together to underpin a new consensus and a new narrative. There is no time to lose.
The world is going to fry – unless there is change soon. There is weakening political will to make national and international targets for carbon reduction stick, no strong business and financial coalition prepared to lead and a weakening groundswell of public opinion prepared to foot the bill.
Instead, the international consensus of 25 years ago – that the world must act to challenge climate change – is dissolving. Individual countries are trying to steal a march on each other in a race to the bottom, dropping whatever scant penalties there have been for burning fossil fuels.
Western people will sooner or later agitate for change, as will China's millions as pollution makes its cities unbearable. Nobody wants a return to the command and control economies that failed. What is needed is a new vision of how to do capitalism in which enlightened self-interest is hard-wired into its operation, saving us from decades of austerity and environmental disaster. There are instruments at hand – the Unburnable Carbon report sets some of them out – and they mesh with larger arguments for stakeholder capitalism. The political task is to bind them together to underpin a new consensus and a new narrative. There is no time to lose.
Carbon bubble will plunge the world into another financial crisis – report. The Guardian 20130419
The world could be heading for a major economic crisis as stock markets inflate an investment bubble in fossil fuels to the tune of trillions of dollars, according to leading Economists.
The world could be heading for a major economic crisis as stock markets inflate an investment bubble in fossil fuels to the tune of trillions of dollars, according to leading Economists.
Sweco sätter kunskap om samhällsbyggnad i ett större sammanhang. Det är så vi skapar hållbara värden för våra kunder och för slutanvändaren. Sweco har marknadens bredaste tjänsteutbud inom samhällsbyggnad. När vi sätter kundens projekt i ett större sammanhang kan vi åstadkomma lösningar som är hållbara ur ett miljömässigt, socialt och ekonomiskt perspektiv.
Sweco sätter kunskap om samhällsbyggnad i ett större sammanhang. Det är så vi skapar hållbara värden för våra kunder och för slutanvändaren. Sweco har marknadens bredaste tjänsteutbud inom samhällsbyggnad. När vi sätter kundens projekt i ett större sammanhang kan vi åstadkomma lösningar som är hållbara ur ett miljömässigt, socialt och ekonomiskt perspektiv.
Cutting Short-lived Pollutants Can Slow Sea Level Rise. Climate central 20130414
A new study finds that it is possible to greatly slow the rate of sea level rise, which is one of the biggest threats global warming poses, by cutting so-called “short-lived climate pollutants,” which warm the climate on timescales of a few weeks to a decade, in combination with reductions in long-lived greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2).
Kommentar: Detta kan vara ett starkt stöd för att minska kornas metan utsläpp genom att blanda biokol i ensilaget.
A new study finds that it is possible to greatly slow the rate of sea level rise, which is one of the biggest threats global warming poses, by cutting so-called “short-lived climate pollutants,” which warm the climate on timescales of a few weeks to a decade, in combination with reductions in long-lived greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2).
Kommentar: Detta kan vara ett starkt stöd för att minska kornas metan utsläpp genom att blanda biokol i ensilaget.
China Confirms Their Warming is Human Caused. climate central 20130413
By Tim Radford, Climate News Network
LONDON — Chinese scientists have just confirmed that greenhouse gas emissions have sent the thermometer soaring in one country — China.
This is, they say, the first study to directly link warmer daily minimum and maximum temperatures with climate change in one single nation, rather than on a global or hemispheric scale.
“There is a warming in extreme temperatures over China, and this warming cannot be explained by natural variation”, said Wen. “It can only be explained by anthropogenic external forcings. These findings indicate very clearly that climate change is not just an abstract number for the globe; it is evident at regional scale.”
He said he expected warming to continue, as the greenhouse gases already in the atmosphere continued to exert their influence. “This will have huge implications for China, as heat waves and drought have already become more and more of an issue in our country.
“We should expect more hardship for dry-land farming as water supply is already stressed, higher demand on energy for cooling, and increasing heat-induced health issues.”
By Tim Radford, Climate News Network
LONDON — Chinese scientists have just confirmed that greenhouse gas emissions have sent the thermometer soaring in one country — China.
This is, they say, the first study to directly link warmer daily minimum and maximum temperatures with climate change in one single nation, rather than on a global or hemispheric scale.
“There is a warming in extreme temperatures over China, and this warming cannot be explained by natural variation”, said Wen. “It can only be explained by anthropogenic external forcings. These findings indicate very clearly that climate change is not just an abstract number for the globe; it is evident at regional scale.”
He said he expected warming to continue, as the greenhouse gases already in the atmosphere continued to exert their influence. “This will have huge implications for China, as heat waves and drought have already become more and more of an issue in our country.
“We should expect more hardship for dry-land farming as water supply is already stressed, higher demand on energy for cooling, and increasing heat-induced health issues.”
When will the summer arctic be nearly sea ice free?
By: James E. Overland, Muyin Wang
Geophysical Research Letters
[1] The observed rapid loss of thick, multi-year sea ice over the last seven years and September 2012 Arctic sea ice extent reduction of 49 % relative to the 1979-2000 climatology are inconsistent with projections of a nearly sea ice free summer Arctic from model estimates of 2070 and beyond made just a few years ago. Three recent approaches to predictions in the scientific literature are: 1) extrapolation of sea ice volume data, 2) assuming several more rapid loss events such as 2007 and 2012, and 3) climate model projections. Time horizons for a nearly sea ice free summer for these three approaches are roughly 2020 or earlier, 2030± 10 yrs, and 2040 or later. Loss estimates from models are based on a subset of the most rapid ensemble members. It is not possible to clearly choose one approach over another as this depends on the relative weights given to data versus models. Observations and citations support the conclusion that most Global Climate Models results in the CMIP5 archive are too conservative in their sea ice projections. Recent data and expert opinion should be considered in addition to model results to advance the very likely timing for future sea ice loss to the first half of the 21st century, with a possibility of major loss within a decade or two.
Lördagen den 25 augusti genomfördes årets sommarmöte med sol och många besökare på Lundholmen, Vrigstad. Årets tema var klimat och i maskinhallen fanns flera utställare med information om klimatsmarta lösningar samlade. Försöket där man kunde jämföra majsplantor som fått både biokol och gödsel med de som bara fått gödsel intresserade många besökare.
Metereolog Pär Holmgren medverkade både på scenen och bland klimatutställarna.

Svensk industri tjänar på dyrare utsläppsrätter. GP 20130409
Dyrare utsläppsrätter kan bli en fördel för svensk industri. Under en global koldioxidmarknad kommer länder med koldioxidsnål industriproduktion att vara vinnare, skriver Lars Zetterberg och Peringe Grennfelt, IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet.
Dyrare utsläppsrätter kan bli en fördel för svensk industri. Under en global koldioxidmarknad kommer länder med koldioxidsnål industriproduktion att vara vinnare, skriver Lars Zetterberg och Peringe Grennfelt, IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet.
2013 är ett viktigt år för klimatet. FN:s klimatpanel IPCC släpper sina nya utvärderingsrapporter och flera viktiga lagförslag presenteras. Samtidigt har EU:s utsläppshandelssystem gått in i sin tredje fas. Lärdomen från fas 1 och 2 är att det blev billigare att minska utsläppen genom handel med utsläppsrätter än man trodde innan systemet infördes. När nu stora delar av världen följer efter och inför utsläppshandel har länder med koldioxidsnål industri ett försprång. Det innebär att Sverige skulle tjäna på dyrare utsläppsrätter.
Hydropondiskt odlande. Från en blogg av Niklas Eliason
tiden som jag jobbade på farmen i Sydney så fick jag lära mig mycket om
någonting som kallas Hydropondisk odling. Jag har redan innan jag kom
till Australien läst och funderat mycket om det, men först nu har jag
fått uppleva det i praktiken. Vad detta innebär är att växternas rötter
inte sitter i jord så som vanligt är, utan hänger fritt i vatten med
tillsatt syre och näring. På så sätt kan man odla mycket mer effektivt. I
regel betyder det att du får en större skörd på kortare tid. Idag kan
man odla i princip allting hydropondiskt. Det finns många olika tekniker
med sina egna fördelar och nackdelar.
De största fördelarna med att odla hydropondiskt är naturligtvis att du får en större skörd på kortare tid. Du får även en mer kontrollerad tillvaro för dina plantor. Det blir lättare att underhålla. Det är alltså mindre jobb, med större inkomster.
Fördelarna med Hydropondiskt odlande

De största fördelarna med att odla hydropondiskt är naturligtvis att du får en större skörd på kortare tid. Du får även en mer kontrollerad tillvaro för dina plantor. Det blir lättare att underhålla. Det är alltså mindre jobb, med större inkomster.
Strålande tider för egenproducerad solel. Gefle Dagblad 20130408
Tre steg till solel
1 Du kan köpa färdiga solcellspaket av många elbolag idag. Priserna varierar mycket – det lönar sig att titta runt. Att installera ett normalstort villasystem på 3 kW, som kan ge cirka 2 700 kWh på ett år, kostade enligt Energimyndigheten i genomsnitt 66 000 kronor exklusive moms under 2012. För två år sen var kostnaden ungefär den tredubbla.
2 För att kunna sälja el måste du ha elmätare. Installationen säkras av en elektriker, som sedan anmäler din anläggning hos nätägaren.
3 Nettodebitering innebär att elen du levererar kvittas mot den du tar ut under en viss tidsperiod, till exempel en månad. Bara vissa elbolag erbjuder nettodebitering. På finns en lista. Du kan annars få betalt för överskottselen. Elbolagens betalning skiljer sig mycket. Priset du får spelar mycket stor roll för hur helhetsekonomin blir.
2 För att kunna sälja el måste du ha elmätare. Installationen säkras av en elektriker, som sedan anmäler din anläggning hos nätägaren.
3 Nettodebitering innebär att elen du levererar kvittas mot den du tar ut under en viss tidsperiod, till exempel en månad. Bara vissa elbolag erbjuder nettodebitering. På finns en lista. Du kan annars få betalt för överskottselen. Elbolagens betalning skiljer sig mycket. Priset du får spelar mycket stor roll för hur helhetsekonomin blir.
Så fungerar stödet
Solcellsbidrag får man via länsstyrelsen. 2013 kan du få 35 procent av installationskostnaden, upp till ett tak på 1,2 miljoner kronor per system. I december 2012 beslutade riksdagen att stödet kvarstår till och med 2016. Men kön är ofta lång, var beredd på väntetid.
Får du inte solcellsstödet kan du använda rotavdrag för arbetskostnaden. Du kan inte få både solcellstöd och rot för samma anläggning.
Får du inte solcellsstödet kan du använda rotavdrag för arbetskostnaden. Du kan inte få både solcellstöd och rot för samma anläggning.
Top Ten Dreadful Effects of Climate Change.Dissident Voice 20130406
Top Ten Dreadful Effects of Climate Change
Minus One Not Dreadful Effect
by Robert Hunziker / April 6th, 2013
Our planet is already showing the stress of radical climate change, affecting the Earth right before our eyes. The climate is different than when we were kids, and it is changing more rapidly than ever before. Accordingly, the underlying thesis of this article is that radical climate change is/will be fait accompli with consequences so far reaching that everything we are accustomed to today will change tomorrow. The only question going forward is how the drama of this transformation impacts the planet and human lifestyle as well as its influence on the institution of capitalism.
To that end, it is doubtful today’s younger generations will recognize tomorrow’s world. Several trends that manifest the consequences of radical climate change already exist. Hence, extrapolating climate change’s impact into the future is not a guessing game. Rather, it is the intention herein to follow those discernable trends to judge what the world of tomorrow will look like.
Radical climate change is severe and unpredictable weather, intense floods, parched-land droughts, ultra-fierce tornadoes, super hurricanes, loss of the world’s glacial water towers, dying marine life, and rising seas, which over time will cascade into a fractured civilization with hordes of tribal groups roaming the planet in search of sustenance, similar to life under the emergence of Cro-Magnon 40-50,000 years ago.
The solution is worldwide conversion from fossil fuels to renewables.
This massive conversion program will lead to the most powerful economic growth ever achieved, with full employment!
And, it would rescue the planet from impending violent upheaval.
To that end, it is doubtful today’s younger generations will recognize tomorrow’s world. Several trends that manifest the consequences of radical climate change already exist. Hence, extrapolating climate change’s impact into the future is not a guessing game. Rather, it is the intention herein to follow those discernable trends to judge what the world of tomorrow will look like.
Radical climate change is severe and unpredictable weather, intense floods, parched-land droughts, ultra-fierce tornadoes, super hurricanes, loss of the world’s glacial water towers, dying marine life, and rising seas, which over time will cascade into a fractured civilization with hordes of tribal groups roaming the planet in search of sustenance, similar to life under the emergence of Cro-Magnon 40-50,000 years ago.
The solution is worldwide conversion from fossil fuels to renewables.
This massive conversion program will lead to the most powerful economic growth ever achieved, with full employment!
And, it would rescue the planet from impending violent upheaval.
Global warming. Apocalypse perhaps a little later. The Economist 20130330
Climate change may be happening more slowly than scientists thought. But the world still needs to deal with it.

Climate change may be happening more slowly than scientists thought. But the world still needs to deal with it.

It is not clear why climate change has “plateaued” (see article). It could be because of
greater natural variability in the climate, because clouds dampen warming or
because of some other little-understood mechanism in the almost infinitely
complex climate system. But whatever the reason, some of the really ghastly
scenarios—where the planet heated up by 4°C or more this century—are coming to
look mercifully unlikely. Does that mean the world no longer has to worry?
No, for two reasons. The first is uncertainty. The science that points
towards a sensitivity lower than models have previously predicted is still
tentative. The error bars are still there. The risk of severe warming—an
increase of 3°C, say—though diminished, remains real. There is also uncertainty
over what that warming will actually do to the planet. The sharp reduction in
Arctic ice is not something scientists expected would happen at today’s
temperatures. What other effects of even modest temperature rise remain
If the world has a bit more breathing space to deal with global warming, that
will be good. But breathing space helps only if you actually do something with
Kommentar: Summan av kardemumman är
således att vi kanske fortfarande har lite tid på oss, men att faran på intet
sätt är över./Tord
Självspäkning biter inte på uppvärmningen. SVD 20130403
Ny statistik som tidningen The Economist sammanställt i senaste numret (30/3) visar att temperaturökningen har uteblivit de senaste 15 åren. Den branta stigningen har planat ut till en stabil platå trots att 100 miljarder ton växthusgaser har släppts ut under perioden, vilket är en ökning med 50 procent. Skräckscenarier där jordens temperatur höjs med sex grader under det här århundradet framstår därför som osannolika. I dessa sammanhang brukar man prata om klimatkänslighet för att understryka hur ödesdiger mänsklig påverkan kan vara. Klimatet verkar vara mer motståndskraftigt än man tidigare har trott.
Undergången ser alltmer osannolik ut, men det behöver göras anpassningar till temperaturhöjningen och det är klokt försäkringstänkande att skapa förutsättningar för att fasa ut de fossila bränslena. Det är här resurserna borde läggas. Och på att göra grön teknologi så billig att den är lönsam att använda.
Kommentar: Risken med detta resonemang är att man slår sig till ro och att s.k. tiping points passeras. Ju mer isen på nordpolen smälter ju mer magasinerar det mörka vattnet energi från solen och när permafrosten tinar i Sibirien så läcker stora mängder metan ut t.ex. och metan är 20 ggr starkare växthusgas än CO2./Tord
Ny statistik som tidningen The Economist sammanställt i senaste numret (30/3) visar att temperaturökningen har uteblivit de senaste 15 åren. Den branta stigningen har planat ut till en stabil platå trots att 100 miljarder ton växthusgaser har släppts ut under perioden, vilket är en ökning med 50 procent. Skräckscenarier där jordens temperatur höjs med sex grader under det här århundradet framstår därför som osannolika. I dessa sammanhang brukar man prata om klimatkänslighet för att understryka hur ödesdiger mänsklig påverkan kan vara. Klimatet verkar vara mer motståndskraftigt än man tidigare har trott.
Undergången ser alltmer osannolik ut, men det behöver göras anpassningar till temperaturhöjningen och det är klokt försäkringstänkande att skapa förutsättningar för att fasa ut de fossila bränslena. Det är här resurserna borde läggas. Och på att göra grön teknologi så billig att den är lönsam att använda.
Kommentar: Risken med detta resonemang är att man slår sig till ro och att s.k. tiping points passeras. Ju mer isen på nordpolen smälter ju mer magasinerar det mörka vattnet energi från solen och när permafrosten tinar i Sibirien så läcker stora mängder metan ut t.ex. och metan är 20 ggr starkare växthusgas än CO2./Tord
James Hansen is Leaving NASA to Intensify His Campaign for Carbon Cuts. The New York Times 20130401
After nearly half a century of research in planetary and climate science for NASA, James E. Hansen is retiring on Wednesday to pursue his passion for climate activism without the hindrances that come with government employment.
After nearly half a century of research in planetary and climate science for NASA, James E. Hansen is retiring on Wednesday to pursue his passion for climate activism without the hindrances that come with government employment.
Using 'Biochar' To Cut Greenhouse Gas Emissions. ENN 20130329
Researchers studied a plantation of miscanthus, a perennial grass which is harvested for fuel. They monitored how much CO2, nitrous oxide and methane came from the plot's soil over two years. They also monitored soil emissions under controlled conditions in the lab.
The plots that had been treated with charcoal emitted 37% less greenhouse gases than neighboring plots that hadn't, while in the lab the impact was 55%. Most of this came from cutting CO2 emissions, with methane playing no significant role and only a small nitrous oxide component.
"There's a lot of interest at the moment in the potential of bioenergy crops to sequester carbon in the soil, because unlike arable land these crops aren't ploughed every year so the carbon is not being regularly disturbed," says co-author Dr Jeanette Whitaker of CEH. "Biochar contains a lot of carbon in its own right, so adding it to the soil is already having an immediate sequestration effect, but our research suggests that it also reduces the CO2 emitted by soil respiration, which makes the case for using it even stronger. It's about maximising the sustainability benefits of bioenergy crops."
Whitaker explains that in the long term, it is unlikely people will use wood as biochar. Instead, biochar can be made out of anything from municipal waste to chicken manure.
The paper appears in the journal Global Change Biology Bioenergy.
Researchers studied a plantation of miscanthus, a perennial grass which is harvested for fuel. They monitored how much CO2, nitrous oxide and methane came from the plot's soil over two years. They also monitored soil emissions under controlled conditions in the lab.
The plots that had been treated with charcoal emitted 37% less greenhouse gases than neighboring plots that hadn't, while in the lab the impact was 55%. Most of this came from cutting CO2 emissions, with methane playing no significant role and only a small nitrous oxide component.
"There's a lot of interest at the moment in the potential of bioenergy crops to sequester carbon in the soil, because unlike arable land these crops aren't ploughed every year so the carbon is not being regularly disturbed," says co-author Dr Jeanette Whitaker of CEH. "Biochar contains a lot of carbon in its own right, so adding it to the soil is already having an immediate sequestration effect, but our research suggests that it also reduces the CO2 emitted by soil respiration, which makes the case for using it even stronger. It's about maximising the sustainability benefits of bioenergy crops."
Whitaker explains that in the long term, it is unlikely people will use wood as biochar. Instead, biochar can be made out of anything from municipal waste to chicken manure.
The paper appears in the journal Global Change Biology Bioenergy.
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