
Andrew Bolt’s “Hockey Schtick”: Australia’s most prominent denier inadvertently posts proof of climate change

Rain is more intense in some areas – thus confusing Andrew – but decreasing in many areas of Australia. All of this is line with the argument the world’s climate is undergoing a rapid change.
As I pointed out many, many months ago Andrew can’t even read a map.
Surely, Andrew Bolt’s “Hockey Schtick” rivals the other great hockey sticks in science:
Data and information without context is just noise… you need to look at the total picture. So when Andrew suggests his graph show’s no evidence of climate change, he has inadvertanlty demonstrated it has!
Is Bolt incompetent, or just plain dishonest?
Which is worse?
Kommentar: För att förstå det hela måste man läsa hela artikeln, vilket är mycket intressant./Tord

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