
Biochar technologies searched for European Union contest

http://refertil.info/content/biochar-technologies-searched-european-union-contestThe goals of the REFERTIL EU biochar standardization are clear, that are improving resources recycling and utilization efficiency, and develop new economy with associated environmental benefits.  In this context biochar eco-innovation is far more important now-days and in the future than ever, as there is a direct interconnection between the ongoing and long lasting economical crisis and the environmental / resource efficiency, for which new solutions and eco-innovations must needed. 
The low grade and underdeveloped environmental technology management is directly inter linked to the current and future coming economic crisis. Wasting environmental resources could spark new - even more deeper - economical recession. The overuse and waste of valuable natural resources is threatening to produce a fresh economic crisis as well. 
In this context the REFERTIL is searching for cooperation with industrial type biochar technologies with sustainable economical and environmental performance, which would certainly expand the market opportunities of the competitive biochar producers.

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